Entry #7 A Fresh Perspective

Fresh” is basically a movie that looks at how our food goes from the place where it’s grown to our plates. It’s like a food journey, but instead of just being about cool recipes, it’s about the big picture of how our food is made and the problems with the way we grow and produce it today. So, after watching this film, I couldn’t help but think a lot more about what I’m eating. It showed me some pretty crazy stuff about the food industry, like the way we grow things and the chemicals we use. It really made me wonder where my food is coming from and how it’s made. The parts about those big factory farms and the genetically modified stuff were pretty shocking. The whole deal of the movie is to wake people up and make them think about what’s going on with our food. It’s like a wake-up call for everyone who eats, which is basically everyone, right? It’s not just for health nuts or tree-huggers; it’s for anyone who cares about staying healthy and the planet. The vibe of the movie is like; it’s telling you important stuff but also making you think. It’s got interviews with people who really know their stuff and shows you what’s happening in a way that makes you want to learn more. It’s kind of like a reality check. One thing that really stuck with me was when they showed those huge factory farms with animals all packed together, and then switched to these happy organic farms where animals just chill and do their thing. It’s like night and day, and it makes you realize we need to change the way we do things. After watching, I felt like I could actually do something to help. Like buying organic stuff and supporting farmers who are doing it the right way. It’s like the movie gave me the power to make a difference with the choices I make at the grocery store. Honestly, I think “Fresh” is a game-changing kind of film. It’s got a strong message about fixing our food system, and it shows you real-life examples that make you want to get on board. This movie is important because it’s about something that affects all of us: what we eat. It’s not just about knowing more; it’s about caring about our health, the Earth, and the animals. We can’t just ignore this stuff and hope it goes away.So, in the end, if you haven’t seen it, you should totally check out “Fresh.” It’s a real eye-opener and makes you think differently about food. Plus, it’s a cool conversation starter, and who doesn’t love that? It’s like looking at food in a whole new way.


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